Family Child Care Contracts & Policies - 4th Edition

Contracts and Policies Curriculum

Family Child Care Contracts and Policies (4th Edition)Get the most current information and tools to establish and enforce contracts and policies with parents.

This book explains:

* What to look for before signing contracts with parents

* The vital information to include in both contracts and policies

* How to prevent conflicts with parents

* When and how to end a contract

The book includes an online link to sample customizable contracts and policy handbooks. 2018, Softbound, 174 pages. $19.95

Available from: Redleaf Press: 800-423-8309

I have written The Family Child Care Business Curriculum: Contracts & Policies to help trainers teach this topic.

Here is a description of all of my books.


IRS Gives Relief to Child Care Providers with Assistants


Family Child Care Record Keeping Guide - 9th Edition