Spring Cleaning for Your Records!

Calling all Hoosier child care providers! Are you ready to do some spring cleaning? Civitas Strategies is delivering How Do I Set Up a Recordkeeping System? as a Business Live Event, courtesy of Indiana SPARK!  

Maintaining organized, accessible documents is critical for your business. It can even help you maximize your compensation—we will talk about how.

Interested in learning new tips for record-keeping? Maybe record-keeping is one of your least favorite, and somewhat neglected, activities, and so you begrudgingly tell yourself that it would be helpful for you to attend.

Rest assured – I’m facilitating, and one of my biggest claims to fames is hosting evening tax webinars with no drop offs or nod offs. We’ll intersperse foundational steps to organization with some new tools and tips to make the process easier.

I hope you will join me on Tuesday, May 16 at 1 pm EST! Indiana providers can register in advance at:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Prefieres Espanol? My colegia Vanessa van a juntar conmigo a presentar en como crear un Sistema de registro en miercoles 17 de mayo.

Proveedores de Indiana pueden registrar al:


Después de registrarse, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación con información sobre cómo unirse a la reunión.


Ask Civitas: May Reader Questions Answered!


Ask Civitas: April Reader Questions Answered!