Using CCR&R To Promote Your Program

Perhaps the most important agency that can help you promote your family child care program is your local Child Care Resource & Referral Agency (CCR&R).

CCR&R agencies are non-profit organizations that help parents find child care, conduct training workshops for homes and centers and offer a variety of other community services for the child care field.

To find the CCR&R agency serving your area, go to: Child Care Aware of America.

Your CCR&R agency is not a placement service; it's not their job to fill your empty spaces. However, these agencies are a tremendous marketing resource for your program. Here are some ideas:

* Make sure you are listed on their referral service as soon as your business begins.

* At least twice a year, contact your CCR&R agency to see if the information listed about your program is current: openings, hours of operation, ages of children you will serve, pets, etc.

* Many parents screen child care providers by their hours of operation. If you are open from 6 am to 5 pm, you will probably lose parents who need care until 6 pm. If you have some flexibility about working past 5 pm, list that you are open until 6 pm to avoid losing parents who need care after 5 pm.

* If you have a future vacancy, tell your CCR&R agency as soon as you know.

* Talk to a CCR&R referral counselor at least every six months and collect information by asking these questions:

- What type of child care is in the greatest demand in my neighborhood (part-time, infant, etc.)?

- What could I change in my referral file that would attract more parents?

- What is the average cost of care in my neighborhood (for the ages that I care for)?

- What other information can you give me about other child care program fee policies, vacations, holidays, late fees, registration fees, etc.?

- What methods of advertising have you heard from other caregivers that worked for them?

* Local media organizations sometimes ask CCR&R agencies for names of caregivers to interview for stories on child care. Volunteer to be someone that CCR&R can refer the media to.

In summary - stay in touch with your local CCR&R agency. They can give you a lot of information that can help your marketing efforts.

What type of help have you received from your CCR&R agency?Image credit:

For more information, see my book Family Child Care Marketing Guide.


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